Gordon Street Pre-School Receives ‘EXCEEDING’ Rating

National Quality Standard Rating

We were thrilled to receive notice that Gordon Street Pre-School has again received a rating of “Exceeding” National Quality Standard (NQS) under the National Quality Framework.

The NQS sets a national benchmark for the quality of children’s education and care services across Australia.

Services are assessed against the NQS by the state or territory regulatory authority, and receive a rating for each of the seven quality areas of the NQS, as well as an overall rating.

An overall rating of Exceeding NQS is given to services that go above and beyond the requirements of the NQS in at least four of the seven quality areas.

For more information on the National Quality Standard, check out https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-quality-standard

Our Exceeding rating is a testament to the hard work that our educators, Marni, Michelle, Dawn, Tahli and Olivia, together with Anna our Compliance Officer, have put into our program and we thank them all for their commitment to ensuring that Gordon Street Pre-School continues to offer the best level of care for our children.


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